New Telegraph - By mere looking, you will not believe that these beautiful ‘ladies’ you are observing are not real humans, it will take more of the oratorical prowess of Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher, to convince you that they are not human beings.
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The truth in the matter is that, these images are not human beings, they are artificial ladies, also more comomonly known as ‘robots’. When robots were first built, sex, was very far from the minds of the builders.
However, as technology improved, female robots, were created. Ever since then, much importance has been paid to sex. Initially, the primary aim of robots then was to carry out domestic, household, and industrial activities efficiently and perform difficult tasks which are lethal to humans.
For example, robots can dissect the human body perfectly without mistakes when programmed, unlike a medical doctor who quarreled with his wife at home before coming to dissect a patient, may be prone to mistakes because of psychological trauma.
However, recent studies show that female robots are now used by men for sexual satisfaction instead of their industrial activities. Female-appearing robots have also appeared in real life, with female robot’s early construction being crude.
The first female robot, was produced by Sex Objects Ltd, a British company, for use as a “sex-aid”.
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It was simply called: “36C”. From her chest measurement, it had a 16-bit microprocessor and voice synthesizer that allowed primitive responses to speech and push button inputs. Later, other female robots produced include:
•Project Aiko which can speak Japanese and English languages, and sells for 13,000 Euros
•Actroid designed by Hiroshi Ishiguro to be “a perfect secretary who smiles and flutters her eyelids”.
“The term Gynoid and Actroid have been applied to a humanoid robot designed to look like a human female.
It has been derived from the word ‘android’, in response to its linguistically masculine lexical element andro, which is perceived as implying a malestyled robot,” explained Dr. Kingsley Abhulimen,of the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Lagos.
In recent times different types of artificial ladies have been on the increase with different names and applications.
Today there are actroid, sweetheart, project aiko, dead girls, fambot, gynoids, sexy robots, machine human, plastic women, sex objects, robotrix, female robot, wifedom, robotess, among others.
Gynoids may be ‘eroticized’ and some examples such as Aiko genitals to facilitate sexual response.
The fetishization of gynoids in real life has been attributed to male desires for custom-made passive women, and has been compared to life-size sex dolls.
Some experts have however, frowed at human beings having sex with robots, saying that stereotypes and societal attitude should not be altered by technological process irrespective of the fact that technological bodies of gynoids depict sexism in an unnatural context.
They also highlighted its negative impact. The sexualized images of gynoids have also been interpreted as fetishisation of the females body, racial differences, and technology.
Many artificial ladies are produced yearly, that recently, a femininely shaped robot was clothed with human skin so that she is not known to be a robot and can speak four different languages.
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Such female robots are designed according to patriarchal stereotypes of a perfect woman, being sexy, and obedient, and reflects the emotional frustrations of their creators.
Modern gynoids are often unique products made to fit a partials man’s desire and the creators are often male “mad scientists”.
Gynoids have been described as the ultimate geek fantasy; a metal and a plastic woman of your own. Abhulimen further highlighted that gynoids are inextricably linked to men’s lust.
They are mainly designed as sex objects, having no use beyond pleasing men’s violent sexual desires. Their character has been described as “a literal sex bomb”. They are produced as toys for men with an “implicate fantasy of a fully complaint sex machine” says the UNILAG don. Sex with gynoids has been compared to necrophilia.
Sexual interest in gynoids and fembots has been attributed to fetishisation of technology, and compared to sadomasochism in that it reorganises the social risk of sex.
The depiction of female robots minimizes the threat felt by men from female s e x u a l i t y and allows the “erasure of any social interference in the spectator’s erotic enjoyment of the image” Gynoid fantasies are produced and collected by on-line communities centered around chat rooms and w e b – s i t e galleries.
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